de Marco... | 29/11/2021

Natural Cures Of Depression (3 Home Remedies For Depression)

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St. John's wort tea, banana vitamin with nuts, and concentrated grape juice, are great home remedies to help combat stress, anxiety, and depression. Because they contain properties, that help the functioning, of the nervous system.

Depression causes:

Anxiety and depression, are characterized by moments, when the person feels anxious, and unwilling to do their daily tasks, without the strength to work or study. Deep sadness, and inability to feel well, and motivated, can also indicate that the person is depressed, and these home remedies, can be indicated to make the person feel better, and are useful against mild, or moderate depression.

How depression is treated?

1 St. John's wort tea

St. John's wort, has properties that act as a natural anti-depressant, in psychoactive disorders relieving common symptoms, such as depressed mood, anxiety and nervous agitation.

You will need two dried leaves, and twigs of St. John's Wort, and
33.82 fluid ounces of water.

How to do it?

Boil the water, and place in a container, with the stash leaves. Cover, let it lukewarm, strain and drink it next. Sweeten to taste. Take 3 to 4 cups a day.

St. John's Wort, has been considered a first-line medicine, in the treatment of mild to moderate depression. Its use is particularly indicated, when classic antidepressant medications, are poorly tolerated, and also in the treatment of psychic symptoms of menopause.

Caution when using St. John's Wort!

Although it has an excellent effect in depressive states, St. John's Wort, also affects the functioning of various medications, especially those that act on the nervous system, such as antidepressants, antipsychotics, anti-epileptics, or anxiolytics.

Thus, St. John's Wort should only be used by those, who do not take any type of medication, or under the doctor's guidance.

2 Banana Vitamin

This banana vitamin with nuts, is an excellent way to treat naturally lighter cases of depression. This is because both, the banana, and the nuts, contain substances, such as tryptophan. Which affect the brain levels of serotonin, favoring good mood, astonishing sadness, and depression.

To make this shake, you will need a glass of natural yogurt, a ripe banana, a handful of nuts, and a dessertspoon of honey.

To prepare the shake, mix the yogurt, and banana in the blender, then add the chopped nuts and honey, stirring gently. Take this vitamin for breakfast daily.

3 Grape Concentrate Juice

Grape juice concentrate, is another way to fight depression, and anxiety in a natural way, being useful to calm the nerves, and feel better. Because, the resveratrol present, in the fruit improves blood circulation, and brain oxygenation.

In addition, resveratrol benefits also seems to regulate the natural levels of serotonin, which is the main responsible for the feeling of well-being.

Prepare 2 fluid ounces of concentrated grape juice, and 16.91 fluid ounces of water.

How to prepare?

Mix the ingredients, and take 1 glass regularly, before bedtime. Although, it is possible to make the grape juice, using the fresh fruits, the concentration of resveratrol is higher in the concentrated juice, and therefore, this is the most suitable for the treatment. However, the grape juice, that can be found in powder form in supermarkets does not have the same effect.

According to some studies, the bioavailability of resveratrol seems to be higher, when associated to piperina, the main compound of pepper. Thus, one can try to add a small amount of black pepper to this juice, to increase the effect of resveratrol against depression.

?? The home remedies for depression presented here are merely informative, as such they are no substitute for the opinion of a professional and competent doctor. We recommend that you consult your doctor before following any tips presented here. We only show natural cures of depression that are public knowledge.

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