de Leslie... | 07/05/2021

The Kama Sutra Audiobook | Kama Sutra Audiobook | Part 2 Chapters 7 & 8

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Excerpts from the book
? "It was said by someone that there is no exact order or moment between the hug, the kiss and the pressures or scratches with the nails or fingers, but that all these things must be done, in general, before the sexual union takes place. , while the blows and the emission of the various sounds must occur during the union. Vatsyayana, however, thinks that anything can happen at any time, because love is not bothered by time or order. "

? "When love intensifies, pressures or scratches on the body with the nails come into play. The pressures with the nails, however, are not common only among those who are intensely in love, that is, full of passion. They are used, together with the bite, by those for whom such practice is pleasant. "

Kama was considered the literature of desire. The Sutra was the speech of a series of aphorisms. Sutra was a standard term for a technical text, as well as the Yoga Sutra of Patanjali . The text was originally written as Vatsyayana Kamasutram (or " Vatsyayana's aphorisms about love"). Tradition said that the author was a celibate student who lived in Pataliputra, an important learning center. It was estimated that he was born in the early fourth century. If this is correct, Vatsyayana lived during the height of the Gupta Dynasty , a period known for its great contributions to Sanskrit literature and cultureVedic .

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